Deadly Sweethearts Part 5
Author: Grace Fonseca
Rating: R
Content: B/S W/X B/Oz
Distribution: You all know who you are. Everybody else ask for it.
Disclaimer: See Previous Part
Story Summary: See Previous Part
Authors Note: Giles tells the slayers about Buffy's past in this part.
I have changed some of the events around from the movie and Buffy's past to make this fic work.
Buffy Summers and I met a few brief years ago at Watcher's headquarters. She's eighteen now.
"A slayer becoming a vampire. I didn't think..." Bonnie said.
"It's possible and did happen to Buffy Summers two years ago."
"How?" Morgan asked.
"Spike, am I right Giles?" Kendra said.
"Yes and no, Kendra. You see Buffy was a "cleaner" slayer."
"A cleaner slayer?" Bonnie said in confusion.
"Well a cleaner slayer is a wild card. She lost both her parents at the age of thirteen. Merrick raised her."
"Merrick, didn't he raise Faith for a while?" Morgan asked.
"Different Merrick Morgan. Merrick's brother raised Faith. Buffy trusted Merrick, since well...he was all she had."
"I sense something bad is about to happen." Bonnie said.
Kendra kept silent. She liked to study her opponents. It gave her a sense of how to keep her guard up against vampires and other creatures.
"Well for three years Buffy dusted every vampire who she came across. They turned into dust literally."
"Sounds like she was a great slayer." Morgan said.
"Would have probably been the best too if not for Merrick. From what the watchers council was able to gather Merrick was turned. Buffy didn't realize this. Merrick apparently gave Buffy to Spike on a silver platter."
"God, poor girl." Bonnie said.
"Poor, girl. For crying out loud, she's a vampire and has to be staked." Kendra said.
"Spike is worst I'm assuming, Giles" Morgan said.
"Spike is by far worst. I want you to read these three books on Spike. Learn everything about Spike you can. It may save your lives." Giles said as he placed three books on the table.
To be continued...