By Grace Fonseca
Scene: S.H.S Library
Giles knew that Buffy and Spike had to work together. Whistler sort of had a cousin who was a Chaos Demon. Spike killed him, so this was his punishment. Well Buffy and Spike were good sparring partners. They kept each other in check. Yet there arguments were enough to make anyone go crazy. He was ready to kill them both.
Why did he have to hear the brunt of their arguments. They were acting like two year old children. Tonight was the final straw. He had a plan, maybe they would work out their frustration by the end of tommorow night.
Scene: S.H.S Library-Next evening
Spike was upset. Giles called him and told him to be here. Well he came. He wanted this night to be done and over with. The sooner his punishment was over, the better. He really hated this situation and the slayer...well that was a whole another matter.
Buffy walked in. Oh God why did Spike have to be here. She hated him as much as he hated her. If it wasn't for Whistler and Giles, one of them would probably be dead. Spike was forced to work for them, because he killed a chaos demon.
"Oh, Slayer."
"Hello, Spike. Nice to see you tonight."
"You don't mean that."
"It's called courtesy."
"Ah well, luv I prefer to be direct and honest."
"We have a thing called tact, Spike. I can't believe that after I had gotten rid..."
"What is it ducks?"
"Don't call me that. I'm not Dru, I really hate you Spike. You are driving me crazy"
"Same here, slayer. I didn't sign up for this."
"Neither did I."
"Well it wasn't my..."
"Bull Spike. You killed that Chaos Demon."
Giles then came in. He had heard them yelling and screaming at one another. They could almost be described as something more than...
Scene: S.H.S Library
"Giles, can I please stake Spike now?" Buffy asked itching to do it.
"Buffy, Spike..."
"Why are we here?" Spike asked annoyed.
"You two are driving me crazy. So, I have decided that both of you are training with one one another." Giles said.
"Come on, Spike. Be prepared for an ass kicking."
"Don't think so Slayer. Can we tape this session?" Spike asked.
"Why, so you can watch me kicking your ass, Spike."
"Your the one going down, Slayer."
"Both of you, shut up. Get your gear on. It looks like I'm going to be watching you two all night long."
"Why? You don;t trust us."
"Hey, ducks, maybe he's afraid, I'll hurt you too much."
"I've faced a lot tougher things..."
"Get going" Giles said.
Scene: S.H.S Library
Giles chose for Buffy and Spike to joust instead of it being a slugfest between the two of them. He didn't want Buffy hurt. Spike couldn't get hurt because of the deal he made with Whistler.
Buffy took the first swing at Spike. Spike easily ducked and managed to get a hit on her.
"Ah, slayer, I was expecting better from you."
"Well, here's better for you, Spike." Buffy said as she hit Spike really hard in the face. Spike staggered back. God, that felt great Buffy thought. She was feeling lonely ever since Angel left.
"Is that all you've got, luv." Spike said knowing she wasn't going to let him have an easy win. He actually respected her and wanted to...No , she was his nortal enemy.
Buffy and Spike went at it for the next three and half hours. Giles never thought they would be at it this long. Every time one of them tried something the other would have a brilliant counter for it. Giles wondered what was it with them. Willow told Giles when he asked the question outloud
"Why do they bicker so much?" Willow replied "They like one another and don't want to admit it. Especially to one another."
Giles didn't think Buffy need another vampire as a vampire. Look at the Angel fiasco. He decided to leave them alone for a few minutes. What could possibly happen?"
Scene: S.H.S Library
"Good, he's gone." Buffy said dropping her jousting stick.
"Yeah, Slayer whatever. That was a good workout."
"I thought so too."
"You can hold out pretty long."
"Well, I never have gone this long against anybody before."
"Does that include Angel?"
"Why did you have to go bring him up, Spike? That's a sore subject with me right now."
"Oh, did I strike a nerve."
"Yes, you did. You frustrate me, even more than Angel did." Buffy said wanting to slap him, when Spike grabbed her and kissed her.
Buffy couldn't believe she was kissing Spike of all people. This was crazy and yet it felt so right. His kiss was more passionate than Angel's ever was.
Spike knew this was going to happen. Maybe Angelus was right, you couldn't but help to love this girl. He didn't want to kill her. Spike wanted to kill Buffy with love and tenderness.
A few moments later after they broke the kiss, they were staring at one another.
"I must be going crazy."
"Me too, Slayer. I enjoyed that kiss too."
"So did I, Spike."
"Slayer, theres more to this than a simple kiss."
"Yes, there is Spike. So does this mean we are dating."
"I think it does, pet."
"Then kiss me, Spike."
Spike and Buffy kissed one another. A few moments later, Giles came in and saw them. He decided to interrupt them.
"So, I see you two have made up."
"Giles..." Buffy said.
"It is rude to interrupt us" Spike said mad.
"You two can go patrolling now."
Thanks." Buffy said.
Giles couldn't believe Buffy was getting involved with another vampire. It was Spike of all vampires. This was weird.
Buffy and Spike left looking at one another in a whole new light.
The End.